2016년 1월 30일 토요일

Living Healthy

    For sure a lot of us has been trying and trying to lose weight and get "in shape" for special occasions like Prom or to just simply look good at summer when you hit the beach but what does it really take to have that dream body of yours? The secret is having a healthy lifestyle! "Noooooo!" I know for a fact that most of us hates eating salad and fruits because let's face it, would you rather have a bowl of salad rather than a box if pizza? Of course not! I mean who couldn't resist a cheesy, very tasty and meaty pizza that melts in your mouth and as you take that first bite you already crave for another piece! It is no doubt that "bad food" or the ones that can possibly give us health problems are always the one that are so tasty.

    I've always been a fan of pizzas , burgers, and fries and I didn't care if I gained weight since I would always tell my self that I will burn it all in football practice. Even though I trained a lot, I never got that dream body that I always wished to have. I started being curious and I researched why I wasn't getting any better. It's of no surprise that it's all the processed food that had hindered me from achieving my goal body. From then on, I started searching about eating healthy and controlling meals. Turns out there are a lot of benefits of eating healthy like increase in metabolism, decrease in toxins in the body, controls weight, boosts energy and many more performance enhancing benefits. I started eating fruits and all kinds of vegetables and I had to stop eating processed food and sweets. My healthy living and football training has helped me a lot to get me close to my goal. I'm not there yet but if I'm consistent ill be there on time for summer.

    Fitness is a choice that we all have. The choice is yours whether you wan't to change something about yourself for the better. Living healthy is not hard. Our minds has created illusions inside us that salads tasted bad and eating healthy is a complete waste of time because we've eaten too much processed food and all those sweats. Wake up to reality and there you will find your escape. Start living.

David Andres 11 J

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