2016년 2월 29일 월요일


By: Kim, Hyoun Min of 11J
People always crave for something new and tasty. I would like to introduce the food, Korean ramen.  Well, ramen originated from China and is known as a Japanese dish. If there are 2 east asian countries eating ramen we can never forget about Korea. According to the World Instant Ramen Association, an average of 74.1 bowls of ramen is consumed by each person in Korea every year in a study in 2014 which ranks top 1 in the world. 
This may be because after the world war II, Korea had a big food shortage. Due to this food shortage the chairman of the Samyang Company thought of a way to stop this crisis. This is when the chairman thought of selling ramen to the country. It was in 1963 when the Samyang company first introduced ramen to the country and it was worth 10 won which almost anybody could afford. Many netizens of the country appreciated Samyang's effort to stop the food crisis of the country. Typing comments like "Our country's first ramen, It's really cheap!" 

Now, eating ramen in South Korea has become a lifestyle and a really popular food that everybody would know of. 
p.s. I wrote this article to spread awareness to the people of Korea and people who love and enjoy eating ramen. I would like you guys to appreciate this simple but important food Ramen.

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