2016년 2월 28일 일요일

Sun's Out Gun's Out

     Now that Prom's done for us Grade 11 students, we can finally eat whatever we want again ! Isn't that great? But wait...... SUMMER IS COMING. Something that we forgot about since we're too busy for Prom is that we also need to prepare our Summer Body! Majority of us will be heading to the beach for vacation this summer and of course you would want to look great don't you?? Well I can help with that for sure! I was a chubby little boy before until I decided to get up of my couch and work out. That means I've had a lot of experience in losing weight and I can give out some tips.

  1. Always hydrate yourself with water and drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Drinking water can boost up metabolism and can satisfy your urge to eat and keeps your system functioning. 
  2. Get some sleep! As funny as it sounds, sleep deprivation may make you fat — and not just because you're susceptible to cases of the late-night food trip. So get to sleep as early as possible and avoid checking your phone all the time! 
  3. Eat a big and balanced breakfast. Your breakfast should be your heaviest meal of the day since this will give you the energy for the rest of the day and having a heavy breakfast would help you avoid eating a lot during lunch and dinner. 
  4. Take out food in advanced from your meal and save it for the next day when you go out and eat. Eating too much in a meal will give you a hard time to digest all the food you've eaten.
Here are the few EFFECTIVE tips that I've tried and tested and I were you go try it yourself right now! The earlier the better. Make sure to be consistent and I promise you'll get your Summer Bod in no time!

David Andres 11J

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