2016년 3월 9일 수요일


by Andres, David of 11J

I should first introduce you to what counting macros is. Counting Macros is the act of tracking the number of grams of protein, carbohydrates, and fats you consume on a particular day. It's usually bodybuilders and physique competitors have masters this art. If you aren't a bodybuilder or a physique competitor, why should you do it?

We can probably all agree that keeping a diet is quite hard and requires a lot of discipline. I eat a lot of "bad food" after 2 hours of working out and end up feeling guilty. I'm pretty sure most of you who are reading this also do the same. Well when you count macros, you won't feel guilty eating "bad food" as long as you don't go over your limit.

Doesn't that sound great? This is why I decided to count macros because I can eat whatever I want and I won't feel guilty as long as you track your macros! Now how do you do that? I use this app called MyFitnessPal app and it's available in iOS or Android. It basically does everything for you and you don't need to manually calculate the amount of nutrients your body needs.

If you feel that I have given less information, please refer to this video as this guy has more knowledge than me and I'm sure this will help you all out.

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Read more at http://www.ontheregimen.com/2013/10/15/how-to-count-your-macros-a-comprehensive-guide/

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