2016년 3월 7일 월요일


by: Seo, Myungwoo of 11J 


Trump lose in IOWA ELECTION

Donald Trumps approval rate has decreased in Iowa. While Ted cruz getting 27.6 percent in approval rate which is 3.3 percent higher than Trump.

    Trumps approval rate is decreasing and the same thing happened in 2011.
The major reason why Donald Trumps approval rate is decreasing is because of his rude and discriminating attitude towards the foreign people.

He called Mexican people a rapist and he discriminated Korea that Korean government takes all the money without spending it to the country men without any efforts.

Imagine how can he say these words without any hesitation.
According to the research when trump won the election durng super tuesday, the most frequently searched topic in the internet was Canada immigration.

Even the famous American celebrities were showing bad feedback towards trump. Miley cyrus said I will leave usa if Trump become a president. Also famous holly wood actor George Cloony said Trump has xenophobia.

You can read more about this topic in... 

  • http://www.latinlife.com/article/890/george-clooney-slams-donald-trump-as-idiotic-for-comment-about-mexican-immigrants
  • http://m.chosun.com/svc/article.html?
  • sname=news&contid=2016020600195&Dep0=www.google.com.ph
  • http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trump-thrilled-2nd-place-iowa/story?id=36683128
  • http://hankookilbo.com/m/v/d40558f57f0a42348103ff8c6a7576cc

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