2016년 3월 9일 수요일

The biggest holes in the earth.

 By Veronika  Bocharova 11-J

Among the amazing natural phenomena should be certainly included periodically widened holes in the earth on different locations around the world.

The biggest examples are introduced below.

. The first one is obviously - Kimberlitovaya Tube "Peace" (Mir diamond pipe), Yakutia.

 Kimberlite pipe "Mir" - the quarry situated in the town of Mirny, Yakutia. The quarry has a depth of 525 m and a diameter of 1.2 km, it is one of the world's largest open-cast mines. Diamond kimberlite ore mining ceased in June 2001. Currently on  the board  of the quarry is underground mine ,which is under construction, created to work out the remaining stocks, which  excavation is unprofitable.

  The world's largest diamond mining quarry is amazing.   
Another similar phenomena is Kimberlite pipe "Big Hole", South Africa.
 Big Hole - huge inactive diamond mine in Kimberley (South Africa). People believe that this is the largest quarry, designed even without the use of technology. Currently, it is the main attraction of the city of Kimberley. Starting from 1866 to 1914 about 50 thousand miners dug a pit using picks and shovels, discovering at the same time 2,722 tons of diamonds (14.5 million carats). In the process of career development has been extracted 22.5 million tons of grunt. Exactly here such famous diamonds as "De Beers" (428.5 carats), blue-white "Porter Rhodes" (150 carats) were found orange-yellow " Tiffany "(128.5 carats). 
  At the site of the mine before (about 70 - 130 million years ago) was Vulcan .Amost hundred years ago - in 1914, developments in the "Big Hole" have been discontinued, but the gaping mouth of the tube remains to this day and now serves as tourist attraction , playing the role of the museum. And ... begins to create problems. There is a serious danger of crush not only of its edges but  of roads nearby.


by Andres, David of 11J

I should first introduce you to what counting macros is. Counting Macros is the act of tracking the number of grams of protein, carbohydrates, and fats you consume on a particular day. It's usually bodybuilders and physique competitors have masters this art. If you aren't a bodybuilder or a physique competitor, why should you do it?

We can probably all agree that keeping a diet is quite hard and requires a lot of discipline. I eat a lot of "bad food" after 2 hours of working out and end up feeling guilty. I'm pretty sure most of you who are reading this also do the same. Well when you count macros, you won't feel guilty eating "bad food" as long as you don't go over your limit.

Doesn't that sound great? This is why I decided to count macros because I can eat whatever I want and I won't feel guilty as long as you track your macros! Now how do you do that? I use this app called MyFitnessPal app and it's available in iOS or Android. It basically does everything for you and you don't need to manually calculate the amount of nutrients your body needs.

If you feel that I have given less information, please refer to this video as this guy has more knowledge than me and I'm sure this will help you all out.

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Read more at http://www.ontheregimen.com/2013/10/15/how-to-count-your-macros-a-comprehensive-guide/

2016년 3월 7일 월요일


by: Seo, Myungwoo of 11J 


Trump lose in IOWA ELECTION

Donald Trumps approval rate has decreased in Iowa. While Ted cruz getting 27.6 percent in approval rate which is 3.3 percent higher than Trump.

    Trumps approval rate is decreasing and the same thing happened in 2011.
The major reason why Donald Trumps approval rate is decreasing is because of his rude and discriminating attitude towards the foreign people.

He called Mexican people a rapist and he discriminated Korea that Korean government takes all the money without spending it to the country men without any efforts.

Imagine how can he say these words without any hesitation.
According to the research when trump won the election durng super tuesday, the most frequently searched topic in the internet was Canada immigration.

Even the famous American celebrities were showing bad feedback towards trump. Miley cyrus said I will leave usa if Trump become a president. Also famous holly wood actor George Cloony said Trump has xenophobia.

You can read more about this topic in... 

  • http://www.latinlife.com/article/890/george-clooney-slams-donald-trump-as-idiotic-for-comment-about-mexican-immigrants
  • http://m.chosun.com/svc/article.html?
  • sname=news&contid=2016020600195&Dep0=www.google.com.ph
  • http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trump-thrilled-2nd-place-iowa/story?id=36683128
  • http://hankookilbo.com/m/v/d40558f57f0a42348103ff8c6a7576cc


By: Kim, Hyoun Min of 11-J


As I move around places, I go to a variety of korean restaurants and some of them display newspaper articles which consist of their restaurant reviews. All I see is the word "Bibimbap".


Bibimbap is a korean cuisine which means "mixed rice" literally. It is a mixture of different kinds of vegetables but most commonly, the vegetables used are zucchini, soybean sprout, shitake, carrot, spinach. 


It's really a simple dish yet, it is a food loved by many people. It is a food that is filled with healthy vegetables and it is a food that is excellent for diet. 


Fun Facts:
1. It makes you full really fast
2. Good diet food, healthy food, and a delicious food
3. The bottom of the rice which is crunchy is the best part! Save the best for last!

Travel and Eat. Okasa Japan

by Kim Chung Beom of 11J

Traveling is exciting and adventurous
Eating is pleasing and satisfying
Traveling and eating is just WOW
If you are planning a trip to Osaka Japan then you should consider this
This is a set menu together with the noodls and Oknmyaki. This menu was very filling for two. The chiefs will cook this in front of you so it also feels like a show!

They say that this Takoyaki restaurant is better than the 1st ranking Takoyaki restaurant. All the toppings and sauce are customizable. This can't be compared to other Takoyaki restaurants.

This is a ramen restaurant beside the sky building. It is a good place to eat after enjoying the view in the sky scraper because this ramen had a un-explainable taste but a good one.

This is a cake shop but the cake does not taste like a cake. The taste is closer to dipping the fruits in cream with a side of bread and every layer has different fruits. This cake is strongly recommended for people who LOVES sweet deserts.

2016년 2월 29일 월요일


By: Kim, Hyoun Min of 11J
People always crave for something new and tasty. I would like to introduce the food, Korean ramen.  Well, ramen originated from China and is known as a Japanese dish. If there are 2 east asian countries eating ramen we can never forget about Korea. According to the World Instant Ramen Association, an average of 74.1 bowls of ramen is consumed by each person in Korea every year in a study in 2014 which ranks top 1 in the world. 
This may be because after the world war II, Korea had a big food shortage. Due to this food shortage the chairman of the Samyang Company thought of a way to stop this crisis. This is when the chairman thought of selling ramen to the country. It was in 1963 when the Samyang company first introduced ramen to the country and it was worth 10 won which almost anybody could afford. Many netizens of the country appreciated Samyang's effort to stop the food crisis of the country. Typing comments like "Our country's first ramen, It's really cheap!" 

Now, eating ramen in South Korea has become a lifestyle and a really popular food that everybody would know of. 
p.s. I wrote this article to spread awareness to the people of Korea and people who love and enjoy eating ramen. I would like you guys to appreciate this simple but important food Ramen.

2016년 2월 28일 일요일

Sun's Out Gun's Out

     Now that Prom's done for us Grade 11 students, we can finally eat whatever we want again ! Isn't that great? But wait...... SUMMER IS COMING. Something that we forgot about since we're too busy for Prom is that we also need to prepare our Summer Body! Majority of us will be heading to the beach for vacation this summer and of course you would want to look great don't you?? Well I can help with that for sure! I was a chubby little boy before until I decided to get up of my couch and work out. That means I've had a lot of experience in losing weight and I can give out some tips.

  1. Always hydrate yourself with water and drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Drinking water can boost up metabolism and can satisfy your urge to eat and keeps your system functioning. 
  2. Get some sleep! As funny as it sounds, sleep deprivation may make you fat — and not just because you're susceptible to cases of the late-night food trip. So get to sleep as early as possible and avoid checking your phone all the time! 
  3. Eat a big and balanced breakfast. Your breakfast should be your heaviest meal of the day since this will give you the energy for the rest of the day and having a heavy breakfast would help you avoid eating a lot during lunch and dinner. 
  4. Take out food in advanced from your meal and save it for the next day when you go out and eat. Eating too much in a meal will give you a hard time to digest all the food you've eaten.
Here are the few EFFECTIVE tips that I've tried and tested and I were you go try it yourself right now! The earlier the better. Make sure to be consistent and I promise you'll get your Summer Bod in no time!

David Andres 11J

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2016년 2월 23일 화요일

My Trip to Chengdu

By Kim Chung Beom

My trip to Chengdu 

Traveling cannot always be simple. This is how I when to Chengdu.
You should always remember you need a Chinese visa when traveling to China.
It takes two flights in order to reach China from the Philippines.
Manila NAIA airport ~ Korea Incheon airport
Korea Incheon airport ~ China Chengdu airport
First before packing your things, check the weather. 

Korea was -8 degrees and Chengu was 7°C
1st day

I Ieft NAIA airport to Korea. It took me 4 hrs to reach Incheon airport. When I went out of the airport, I felt the pain of 8 degrees celcius wind maybe because I was used to the weather here in the Philippines. 

I headed to my home town before leaving to China because my flight between Korea to China had almost 14 hrs free time. If you are in my situation I recommend visiting 
Hong-Dae since it's only an hour away from the airport. 

After few hours of free time I came back to the airport and prepare to leave for China Chengdu

Going to China Chengu only took 1 hr from Korea Incheon.
I finally arrived in in Chengdu airport around 10 pm. I was so happy to be in China but it was still so cold.
Before heading to my hotel me and my team decided to visit McDonald. Chinese people pronounce it as "Mac Dang-lau"

The McDonald in China was actually really good and the price was similar to McDonald here.
2nd day

We when to a mountain where we saw 3 different tourist attraction at once.

There was a beach, German town and a 100 year old church.

The other days were well spent and I had to go back to the Philippines.
Like how I went to Chengdu, i did the same going back. I had to visit Korea first before going back to the Philippines.

Just to add up,there are a lot of things to eat in Incheon airport and this is one of them

This was my trip to China Chengdu and Korea


Trump Rallies in Nevada

watch live:

Trump is a potent candidate of being a president if he wins the western Nevada.
Rubio and Cruz seems to be a 2nd big match.

According to Gravis research. Trumps polls 39% which wins candidate Cruz by 16%. Rubio was known to have a polls of 19%.

Also, Trump gets the first place in third contest held in South Carolina by 39% which almost proves that Trump will take an advantage in super Tuesday.

After the 'Mini Super Tuesday', the result of republican party candidates is around 60% sure so it will be the last fight.

Some people say that Rubio and Cruz has hope of winning so it is still hard to estimate the winning of Trump.

Seo, Myungwoo

2016년 1월 30일 토요일

Living Healthy

    For sure a lot of us has been trying and trying to lose weight and get "in shape" for special occasions like Prom or to just simply look good at summer when you hit the beach but what does it really take to have that dream body of yours? The secret is having a healthy lifestyle! "Noooooo!" I know for a fact that most of us hates eating salad and fruits because let's face it, would you rather have a bowl of salad rather than a box if pizza? Of course not! I mean who couldn't resist a cheesy, very tasty and meaty pizza that melts in your mouth and as you take that first bite you already crave for another piece! It is no doubt that "bad food" or the ones that can possibly give us health problems are always the one that are so tasty.

    I've always been a fan of pizzas , burgers, and fries and I didn't care if I gained weight since I would always tell my self that I will burn it all in football practice. Even though I trained a lot, I never got that dream body that I always wished to have. I started being curious and I researched why I wasn't getting any better. It's of no surprise that it's all the processed food that had hindered me from achieving my goal body. From then on, I started searching about eating healthy and controlling meals. Turns out there are a lot of benefits of eating healthy like increase in metabolism, decrease in toxins in the body, controls weight, boosts energy and many more performance enhancing benefits. I started eating fruits and all kinds of vegetables and I had to stop eating processed food and sweets. My healthy living and football training has helped me a lot to get me close to my goal. I'm not there yet but if I'm consistent ill be there on time for summer.

    Fitness is a choice that we all have. The choice is yours whether you wan't to change something about yourself for the better. Living healthy is not hard. Our minds has created illusions inside us that salads tasted bad and eating healthy is a complete waste of time because we've eaten too much processed food and all those sweats. Wake up to reality and there you will find your escape. Start living.

David Andres 11 J

2016년 1월 27일 수요일

To be or NOT to be... FIT!

By Kim Chung Beom

This guy on Facebook and he has his own page called 'The Body Coach'
Just like his Facebook page, he is all about FITNESS!!

Most of the time he posts himself cooking food. It seems like he is rushing but the outcome of his dishes is MOUTHWATERING and healthy too. He wants to keep everyone fit and healthy like him so he shares his own recipe on his page. 
Hope everyone gets fit and healthy!!!

Here are some of his videos and recipes 

Did someone order pizza?


Tortilla wrap
Chopped tomato
Kidney beans
Wilted spinach
Serrano ham
1 egg
Salt and pepper

Fish in a bag. Bit of you?

Potato in the mic for 4 mins
fry in @lucybeecoconut oil
With courgette
Salt and pepper
Olive oil
Wrap it up
Blast in the oven for 15-20 minutes 

Go check check his page https://www.facebook.com/JoeWicksTheBodyCoach/


Seo, Myung Woo

Good day everyone this is Must Have Item Episode 1, Converse All Leather White. I try to post the items with fair price and high quality with my experiences.
Image result for 컨버스 올백 레더 화이트
Image result for 컨버스 올백 레더 화이트

Converse Leather High... Why choose this?

As you can see the picture at the right, you can see the HIGH TOP converse.
 If the shoes you are wearing is high top,
if you wear the pants with it,
the sneakers will keep your fit in the ankle stably fit.
  And when we wear a loose fit pants, they are not that stiff  that our ankle might be shown because of the loose pants. In this situation your shoes being shown would be much cleaner and simple than showing your ankle.

The other advantage of Converse All Leather is we can look simple, natural, and dandy. The leather shoes gives you luxurious style than the normal converse shoes and compared to the other brand shoes, leather converse does not really highlight the logo.

There are a lot of shoes in the world of fashion with several design, brands, and uniqueness. If you want an edible and good for any coordination, I suggest converse All Leather!